Chandler Audio

Event and concert production.

Most people are not conceived in a test tube. Bruce Chandler is no exception, so the rumors are untrue –the ones about how he put a crack in the glass tube with his first effort at mitosis. The mitosis itself was successful, and Bruce now has many cells, so he did become good at dividing, but the idea that he was a prodigy is difficult to prove. It is also hard to disprove, given the thriving multi-cellular organism he has become. But my point is that there was no test tube. Bruce is from Kentucky. They didn’t have test-tubes there in the late 60s. Bruce was born without any shoes, calling into question the old spiritual that claims “all God’s children got shoes,” but that could still be true, assuming Bruce isn’t one of God’s children. But his mother was grateful in any case (about the bare feet).

Stuff I Do

Audio Engineering

A1 & A2 engineering for your event or show.

Pro Audio

Event and show production.

PA Rental

PA rental packages for up to 500 capacity venues.